
Hi, my name is Kira Dulaney and my pronouns are she/her. I have been teaching fiber arts classes and hosting crafty events in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond since 2002. I grew up exploring various crafts and sharing skills with friends, and worked in both a fabric shop and a yarn shop. Getting a degree in Theater Arts with an emphasis on costume design inspired me to try new techniques and experiment with all kinds of projects. I love collaborating with other crafty small business owners, teaching new skills to students, and bringing groups to visit my favorite yarn shops and fiber farms. These days I live in Oakland with my wife and two dogs, all of whom cameo on social media posts from time to time.
I teach extensively in the San Francisco Bay Area and travel to events roughly once a month to teach, vend, or judge. Check out the Workshops and Events page to find out about upcoming plans. You can also connect on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Ravelry, and feel free to tag @kirakdesigns in any posts about projects made with my designs or events where you saw me.
Orders usually ship within two business days. If I am unable to ship within that time due to being out of town, there will be a notice on the homescreen and I will contact you directly. If you know you'll see me soon at a class or event, use the code SeeYouSoon to avoid shipping costs and leave a note so I know when to bring your order.
Items can be returned for exchange or refund within two weeks of purchase, as long as item has not been altered (yarn wound, knitted, etc.). Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs for returns or exchanges.
Professionally printed patterns are available wholesale, but kits and other items are not.
Questions? Email kirakdesignsATgmailDOTcom